Monday, May 23, 2011


ape yg nk dicepat2kan sgt kawen 2..rilex suda.
aku kalo org tanye sng jer.. 27 nnt ye,jgn tanye da.

asal pompan je org kene ckp " awk tuh pmpn, kawen la awl. smpn lame2 pon bukan nye laku" . hallo, xcuse me..laku x laku bukan ko yg tentukan. laku je aku slame ni. HAHA n aku xtedesak pon untuk mendapatkan sume 2 dlm mase terdekat ni

for the time being,study is my priority. but, xbermaksud yg aku melawan takdir. kalau jodoh da sampai awl, terime je la. tp... hehe kalo boleh xnak la.. at least bg la aku merase gelaran :


hehe..tinggi kan cite2? tp, xde ape yg mustahil dalam dunie ni. and last day, i've found that some artical said:

"ENGINEERING" has been chosen as the TOUGHEST course among all d courses including BCOM, Bca, IAS, IPS n MBBS; by d Guinnes Book of World Recrds, on 18Aug2010. It hs 58 univrsty xams + 130 seris xams + 174 asignmnts wthn 4 years (max 750 wrkng dys)


my 1st entry.

HEY GUYS, yeah.. this is my 1st entry even i have this account about a years ago.nk wat la konon nye.huhu btw, that is not wut im going to share with. it is about the worse life since i've been in UiTM. bukan ape, i dont know why, chemistry xde di c2. haha..

nak kate kawan xde, ade je.. nak kate xpaham lecturers aja, phm je.. but seriously im getting bored from day to day. yeahh dats true..until now, bile pk nak naek sem baru nnt, omg! wut im going to do ha? n the most worst is SAYA XDPT HOSTEL! n of course dok umah sewe la kan? ahh.. serik seeyhh..

tp pape pon guys, hidup kene diteruskan.. jnji pade fmly untuk keluar dr uitm ngan segulung ijazah tetap harus dilaksanakan. haha ayat.. k see u then.